1 Year Anniversary!

After the year that we had Caleb and I wanted to do something special to celebrate, so we took a trip to New York City! The year was unlike anything either of us could have predicted. Instead of fighting about things that most newly wed couples struggle with their first year of marriage Caleb was literally fighting for his life.

New York City was a chance for us to be with each other outside of what had become our new normal. It was hard. We struggled. Everything was all new and we had to learn how to do almost everything differently. Caleb was still fresh off chemo so he was weak and easily tired. This trip was eye opening for us as we discovered how selfless each of us needs to be in order to make our marriage work especially after cancer.

Once we were able work through some of our challenges we were able to enjoy things like sailing on the Hudson River, many Broadway shows, the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and many many other things.

 The year was hard and I am sure this journey to recovery wont be easy but I have to believe that God is preparing us for something bigger than even we can think of! Here is to year number 2 being CANCER FREE!!