Let the Training Begin!

Well the journey has started.  The long hours of pushing my body to the point of throwing up and having blisters so big on my feet that I have to hold my breath and bite down just to get my shoes on are here.  The journey to become an Ironman is a long journey. It is something that is way more than just physically pushing your body, it is the journey of being transformed mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I spend a lot of time by myself cranking out the miles, it is during these times where Ironman athletes are made. The training is hard and if I am being honest if I was not doing this to raise money and awareness for The Truth 365 I probably would not be doing Ironman Arizona 2017.  This is hard work. However, whenever I think about how tired and worn out I am I think about all the kids we saw and how worn out and beat down they were by all the drugs that HAD to be put in there little bodies in order for them to even have a chance at living. I then think to myself I don't HAVE to do this, I GET to do this. The next 9 months of my life I dedicate to every mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, friend or distant relative who has watched their loved one struggle due to pediatric cancer. I want you to know that your story matters! EVERY STORY MATTERS, and I am willing to do my part to raise awareness and try and raise funds to help our collective future not have to go through the harsh treatment my husband went through as well as all the kids that we collectively fell in love with. Here is to the next 9 months of training!!

“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”
— Muhammad Ali

Learning to snow board!

What a DAY!!!!

A day we never thought would come, came today! Caleb was able get back on the mountain for the first time since we heard the scary word cancer. What a gift today was! A huge thank you to our dear friend Lisa who was with us every step of the way. This day would not have happened without her.

Today is the day my husband gained some of his freedom back and he conquered some very scary fears. I am beyond proud of him and I know that if he keeps working hard nothing will hold him back!

What a very happy day it has been!! 

Volunteering for Ironman Arizona

Caleb and I went to Arizona Ironman 2016 to volunteer! Our dream was to volunteer so we could get a spot in the 2017 Ironman Arizona and use the platform of the Ironman to bring awareness to pediatric cancer.  So November 19th 2017 I will racing in Ironman Arizona to bring awareness to pediatric cancer and how underfunded it is.  I hope in a small way to make a difference. 

1 Year Anniversary!

After the year that we had Caleb and I wanted to do something special to celebrate, so we took a trip to New York City! The year was unlike anything either of us could have predicted. Instead of fighting about things that most newly wed couples struggle with their first year of marriage Caleb was literally fighting for his life.

New York City was a chance for us to be with each other outside of what had become our new normal. It was hard. We struggled. Everything was all new and we had to learn how to do almost everything differently. Caleb was still fresh off chemo so he was weak and easily tired. This trip was eye opening for us as we discovered how selfless each of us needs to be in order to make our marriage work especially after cancer.

Once we were able work through some of our challenges we were able to enjoy things like sailing on the Hudson River, many Broadway shows, the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and many many other things.

 The year was hard and I am sure this journey to recovery wont be easy but I have to believe that God is preparing us for something bigger than even we can think of! Here is to year number 2 being CANCER FREE!!

After Getting Back To Durango

After getting back to Durango we had hoped that it would be smooth, but unfortunately we encountered many complications. We once again took up residency at a hospital. We knew that when we got back to Durango that we would have to finish the remaining rounds of chemo however Caleb got so sick that we had to make a decision as a family to stop treatment for the sake of Calebs health. This was a decision for me that was extremely emotional. The last thing I wanted was to stop treatment and have the cancer come back.

We have an amazing oncology doctor in Durango and she came to the hospital on her day off and talked to both of us about our fears and apprehensions about stopping treatment. With her care and guidance we came to the conclusion together that it was quite possible that if Caleb continued treatment it would kill him. So we stopped, breathed, and came to the scary realization that this part of the journey was coming to an end. It was now time for Caleb's body to start to heal itself.