Just Two Months into marriage...
This WAS our story
Just Married
We were a newly married couple (two months in) when on October 16, 2015 we discovered a cantaloupe size mass. Caleb began treatment with 16 rounds of chemo, a 14 hour surgery called a hemipelvectomy and countless rounds of radiation.
Because the story is so serious, my husband and I took a lot of funny pictures that helped us get through.
CHEMO + Surgery
Caleb received an internal amputation of the hip joint and sit bones. Feelings of shock, numbness, and battle mode began to pervade. This was becoming a year we could never have imagined.
During the second round of chemo, he lost all his hair. As a sign of support, I shaved mine too.
Our Relationship
A year later life is not without its challenges. We are having to learn a whole new normal, but we get privileges like getting a Handicapped Parking Sticker!
In all honesty, the idea of not being able to do the things we loved doing together has been difficult, but it's not the end of the story.
Our Goal
Our goal is to raise $20,000 for TheTruth365 which funds pediatric cancer research. Pediatric cancer is vastly underfunded. It only gets 4% of the total cancer research budget. The treatment that we underwent had not seen any modifications since the 1980's. Also, the treatment for pediatric cancer is brutal. As an adult, my husband got so sick he was not able to finish the full pediatric regimen. We are putting this into our children! One in every 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed by the time they are 20 years old! What are we willing to do about it? How are we willing to stand up and fight and say that EVERY STORY MATTERS?!? (Children Included)